Tuesday 12 March 2013

An official apology to the Horticultural Societies of Europe!

An official apology to the Horticultural Societies of Europe!

I would like to formally apologise to the Horticultural Societies of Europe for the reduced crop of flowering plants this year! This seems to be mainly due to the fact that all the bees of Europe seem to be constantly trying to pollenate me, with great enthusiasm and at serious speed. I am not trying to steal their pollen and I would like to appeal as not guilty to and legal issues that may arise! I certainly don't look like any flower that I know off, and after a week or so on the bike without any proper bathing facilities, I challenge you to find anyone who would say that I smell like one!
If you could have a good sit down with all the Apis' within your region and explain that there is a weird English guy on a bike, with a tiny green dinosaur, who won't offer sweet sweet necture and won't burst into flower next year dispite their best efforts!
This would be a huge weight off of my mind and would allow me to continue with my journey without fear of serious reprocusions!

Yours sincerely
Rupert Gregory (cycling bum)